OPEN APPLICATION: Research Fellowship in Diagnostic Neuroradiology


Dear Dr Péter Barsi

The ESNR Neuroradiology Diagnostic Committee is delighted to announce that, with support of the ESNR Executive Committee, we can offer a

12 months Research Fellowship in Diagnostic Neuroradiology.

Purpose of this fellowship is to stimulate cross-border research exchange in Neuroradiology within Europe.

The fellowship amounts to €25.000, intended to cover costs for living during the fellowship. Host institutions are expected to cover all potential other costs related to carrying out the research project.

Eligible are ESNR junior or full members up to the age of 40 years, who have been residing in Europe at the time of application for the past 24 months (with respect to membership see also ESNR regulations 7.12.2014).

Candidates will be selected based on their potential for scientific development, including the capacity to carry out the proposed research project, the quality of the research project, and the appropriateness of the host institution for the proposed project.

A minimum of 1 (submitted) manuscript is expected to result from the Fellowship. Applications can be submitted until April 1st 2020 and should include:

Curriculum vitae of the applicant, including information on previous publications and awards.

Letter of invitation by the host institution , including mention of the intended supervisor for the project.

A detailed research proposal, including background, methods and work plan and expected deliverables at the end of the Fellowship. Maximum of 5 A4 pages, including references, at minimum font size 11.

Selection will be performed by the ESNR Neuroradiology Diagnostic Committee and announced in June 2020.

When awarded, the Fellowship is to commence within 6 months of announcement. The official announcement of the winner will be in Lisbon during the ESNR Annual Meeting 2020. Applications shall be sent to:

Contact details:

European Society of Neuroradiology Althardstrasse 70, 8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland